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This is Your Relationship Clinic.

Hoping to help you see your relationship from a different perspective.


Do you want a REALationship, or a relationSHIT?

The Past

A relationship travels between the past, the present and the future.

Without the past, we know nothing about the present;

Without the future, we will be lost on this journey.

The Past - What were you looking for?


A boy who had just fallen in love set aside all his favorite things.

A girl abandoned by her boyfriend, hoping to know the truth about the past six months.

A divorced business woman was still silently hoping that someone would eventually understand and cherish her.


We all have fallen and got injured.

Then we fell and felt hurt again.

What could we have learnt and gained in the process?



  • Be your listener

  • Make a professional assessment of your situation

  • Let you / you two see the current situation from another angle

  • Suggest a more effective approach



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